The FairLife Schools Mark is for schools that share our passion for helping children learn about money. Everyone knows how important money is. It’s important to save money and very important not to waste it. Understanding a little more can help children to make smarter choices later in life and to avoid costly mistakes.
Evidence suggests that children’s long-term attitudes to money can be formed early in life, so the sooner we can get children thinking about money the better. The key is to make the learning fun and engaging, so that everyone gets involved and learns something.
By joining the FairLife initiative, schools are helping their pupils to prepare for the demands of modern life. They are also helping us to promote a culture of fair trading in the British finance industry. This helps the schools themselves, as well as building a brighter financial future for us all.
To download a summary of the mark CLICK HERE
Criteria For Schools​
The FairLife Mark is free to schools and is awarded based on the school’s own declarations.
The first criterion is that the Head Teacher supports the FairLife initiative.
The second criterion is actively encouraging children to learn basic financial skills.
The third criterion is to raise awareness of the FairLife initiative within the school and in the wider community.
The fourth criterion is to support any pupils who have agreed to become FairLife School Ambassadors.
Your pupils can be part of shaping the world they live in; helping to create a national initiative that improves fairness in society.
FairLife Schools will help give children the knowledge and life skills they need to understand about money.This, in combination with FairLife-marked products and commitments made by companies, will help to create a life path for everyone that is fair and dependable.